supper clwb // november

about saturday…

after six years of thinking about it, my first supper clwb finally happened. i’m still coming down from the high of the weekend. i’m still so overwhelmed by the love and support from the guests who attended my first supper clwb on saturday. my heart is bursting with gratitude. i feel so honoured to have shared a wonderful evening with such gorgeous people. 

the emotions i feel when i reflect on the evening, bring tears to my eyes: happiness, love and gratitude. sharing food that you have created is like sharing a part of you and i felt excited but vulnerable. i was so grateful that the people truly embraced the experience and became a community of friends in the process, which was one of my aims when setting up wyld clwb. the feedback i had about my food and the event has had me smiling ever since and i’m so excited for the future of wyld clwb and the people i will connect with. 

many thanks to my husband lee, for his help and support, and to stacey for making the table styling totally magical. plus my in-laws for their help in the kitchen on the night. 

also thank you to lauren and plant academy for giving me the confidence and support to believe in myself enough to start this business. i will be forever grateful. 

thank you to The Rowan Tree, Paviland Farm, Farm Co Wales and Halen Môn for the most amazing produce and inspiration. 

thank you to Micki Schloessingk and Chris Jenkins for the fabulous snack and starter plates.

have a look at the feast menu below.

we have some exciting events and collaborations lined up for the next few months so keep an eye on socials and our emails for more details. we hope to see you there!



